Sunday, March 15, 2009

Now You Are FOUR!

(A week late, but better than never.)

Long gone the cuddly baby days

replaced with all your little boy ways.

First one, then two, next three, now four!

"Hooray!" you shout, "Today, I'm 4!"

Riding a bike, even roller skating,

putting out fires and lots of pretend-making.

Baseball, singing, climbing, swinging,

Laughing, growing, learning, being.

Becoming you, changing fast,

before we know it another year will have passed.

Today as you're four you should know we're so glad,

our hearts burst with pride that we're your Mom and Dad!

Happiest birthday, and have an amazing year, Dylan!

Mom and Dad


Anonymous said...

Wow Becky, I remember the post about him being 3 like it was yesterday! Amazing how time does fly and how quickly they do change!

Chengdus & Don'ts said...

I can't believe that our babies are 4! It seems like yesterday when we were carrying them to knitting events in their infant car seats!